League of Legends Revealer

This is a tool that shows enemy's last known position. You can even see enemies moving in the fog of war if you previously had vision of them. This will also reveal stealth objects such as wards, teemo's shrooms, shaco's boxes ect, only if you had vision of them while they were placed. This is not a wallhack and never will be.


Virus Scan 

1. b7ec05b5be4f5ab17a3add939b7e1cb8 Antivirus Scan Report - Powered by NoVirusThanks.org
2. https://www.metascan-online.com/en/s...4046bf08592865
3.League of Legends Revealer_.zip MD5:b7ec05b5be4f5ab17a3add939b7e1cb8 - VirSCAN.org 8% Scanner(s) (3/37) found malware!

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